Translation of Onomatopoeia: Somewhere between Equivalence and Function (2025)

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An Analysis on Onomatopoeic Words and their Translation Procedures in Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban and Its Translation Version

leni tiwiyanti

Scope : Journal of English Language Teaching, 2017

Novel as the most famous genre of literature always succeeds to please its readers with its own way. It offers many stylistic language features such as onomatopoeia that can alure the readers to enter its world. Onomatopoeia is one of the most appealing feature in the novel Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. This research discusses the onomatopoeic words. For the purpose of the research, two problems are formulated. The first problem is what word classes of onomatopoeia and the second problem of the research is on the procedures applied in translating the onomatopoeia found in the novel. This research is a qualitative and library research. Based on the analysis, there are 58 onomatopoeic words found. The onomatopoeic words are of different word classes; namely verb, noun, adjective and interjection. Most of the onomatopoeic words are verbs. There are five translation procedures used by the translator in translating the onomatopoeic words of the source text into the target text. They are borrowing (2 data), literal translation (14 data), transposition (8 data), modulation (1 data) and equivalence (33 data). Equivalence appears to be the most frequently used.

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Translating onomatopoeia: An attempt toward translation strategies

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Peculiar characteristics of onomatopoeia as a type of word often cause challenges for learners, trainers, and translators of any language. The present study aimed to investigate translation of onomatopoeias in order to present applicable strategies for the translation process. To achieve objectives of the study, related works of other researchers and a case study including a Persian literary work i.e. the first book of the Masnavi by Mowlana Jalal ad-Din Mohammad Balkhi (1993), also known as Rumi, and its English translation by Jawid Mojaddedi (2004) were used. On the basis of the previous works and the case study, five strategies for dealing with onomatopoeia were presented: (a) translation using another type of word other than onomatopoeia (‎non onomatopoeic word), (b) translation using onomatopoeia, (c) translation using paraphrases, (d) no translation (omission), and (e) translation using loan word with or without explanation. The findings indicated that the linguistic system, t...

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Literary Characteristics of Onomatopoeic Items in the Uzbek and English Languages

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We’re sure you’ve heard an onomatopoeia or used an onomatopoeia lots of times without even realising it. This article is dedicated to the problem of linguistic features of onomatopoeia in literature and discusses the role of conceptual meaning in understanding distinctive usage of onomatopeia words in written language. It is mainly focused on the characteristics of onomatopeia words in literary texts. The article gave an example to help you understand onomatopoeia. You can also learn why it is used and how you can use it to improve your written and oral English.

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A Sound Symbolic Study of Translation of Onomatopoeia in Children's Literature: The Case of '' Tintin

Alireza Ameri

Journal of Language and Translation, 2015

As onomatopoeic words or expressions are attractive, the users of languages in the fields of religion, literature, music, education, linguistics, trade, and so forth wish to utilize them in their utterances. They are more effective and imaginative than the simple words. Onomatopoeic words or expressions attach us to the real nature and to our inner senses. This study aims at familiarity with onomatopoeia, its translation, and usage by bringing pure studies on onomatopoeia into practice, and drawing a map of verbal onomatopoeic utterances in the nature more objectively. It also wishes to pave the way in future for providing onomatopoeic dictionaries and other reference books. To do so, it has primarily followed a library research by which the researcher gathered information through legitimate references and heuristically and qualitatively analyzed it. The pertinent instrumentation comprised in content analysis of Tintin’s story books in English language, and first and second translat...

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Problems in Translating Figures of Speech: A Review of Persian Translations of Harry Potter Series

International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies

Due to the important role of figures of speech in prose, the present research tried to investigate the figures of speech in the novel, Harry Potter Series, and their Persian translations. The main goal of this research was to investigate the translators' problems in translating figures of speech from English into Persian. To achieve this goal, the collected data were analyzed and compared with their Persian equivalents. Then, the theories of Newmark (1988 & 2001), Larson (1998), and Nolan (2005) were used in order to find the applied strategies for rendering the figures of speech by the translators. After identifying the applied translation strategies, the descriptive and inferential analyses were applied to answer the research question and test its related hypothesis. The results confirmed that the most common pitfalls in translating figures of speech from English into Persian based on Nolan (2005) were, not identifying of figures of speech, their related meanings and translating them literally. Overall, the research findings rejected the null hypothesis. The findings of present research can be useful for translators, especially beginners. They can be aware of the existing problems in translating figures of speech, so they can avoid committing the same mistakes in their works.

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Retno Wulandari

Saat ini banyak sekolah menawarkan program dwibahasa, bahkan sejak dari tingkat pra sekolah. Selain itu banyak orang tua yang mendorong anak-anak mereka untuk belajar bahasa Inggris sejak dini. Fenomena ini memunculkan kebutuhan akan adanya buku dwibahasa yang ditujukan untuk anak-anak, terutama buku cerita bergambar. Salah satu ciri khas buku cerita bergambar adalah penggunaan permainan kata dan onomatope karena karakternya sering berupa binatang. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada metode dan strategi penerjemahan buku cerita bergambar dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia yang ditujukan untuk dibacakan kepada anak-anak yang tersedia di toko buku di Surabaya, mengingat bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia mempunyai sistem bahasa dan budaya yang berbeda. Melalu penelitian ini diharapkan dapat diketahui metode dan strategi penerjemahan yang paling sering digunakan dalam menerjemahkan permainan kata dan onomatope dalam buku cerita anak dwibahasa. Selain itu, diharapkan penelitian ini dapat memberikan pilihan strategi menerjemahkan elemen bahasa ini. Kata kunci: buku cerita bergambar, onomatope, metode penerjemahan, prosedur penerjemahan Abstract Many schools nowadays offer bilingual programs, even in pre-school level. In fact, many parents encourage their children to learn English at early age. This is supported by the availability of bilingual story book for children, especially picture story books. One significant feature of picture story books is the use of word play and onomatopoeia since most characters are animals. This study is focused on the methods and strategies of translation of read a story series, bilingual picture story books in English and Indonesian, especially on translating word play and onomatopoeia by using Newmark’s theory on methods and strategies of translation and Waugh classification on onomatopoeia. Considering that English and Indonesian are quite different, it is interesting to examine the preferred method and strategies employed in translating word play and onomatopoeia in picture story book. At the end, this study is expected to provide alternative methods and strategies in translating word play and onomatopoeia for children picture story book. Keywords: picture story book, onomatopoeia, translation method, translation procedure

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Onomatopoeia Translation Techniques in the Hunger Games Trilogy Novel into Indonesian

Syuqaira El Humaira

IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature

Onomatopoeia is a linguistic term that can be interpreted as a vocabulary that is formed based on the sound or sounds issued by the word. Each language has a distinctive onomatopoeia that is adjusted with the socio-cultural conditions of the speakers of that language. This affects the onomatopoeic translation due to cultural differences between the source language and the target language, such as from English into Indonesian. This study aims to analyze the techniques used in onomatopoeic translation in the trilogy novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins translated into Indonesian by Desy Rachmaindah. In analyzing the data, the writer uses the translation technique of Molina & Albir (2002). The results of this study indicate that onomatopoeic translation used 9 translation techniques and literal translation techniques dominated because it was translated according to the meaning based on the dictionary.

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Translating Japanese onomatopoeia and mimetic words

Hiroko Inose

Translation Research Projects 1, 2007

The present study identifies the methods used in translating Japanese onomatopoeic and mimetic words in literature into Spanish and English. From the novel Sputnik no koibito by Haruki Murakami, which was used as the data source, almost 300 cases are extracted and nine methods (using adverbs, adjectives, verbs, nouns, idioms, onomatopoeia in the target language, explicative phrases, combinations of words and omission) are identified. Each method is analyzed with some examples, considering its effectiveness in transmitting the meaning of the original expressions.

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Translation Techniques and Acceptability of Onomatopoeia in Herge’s The Adventure of Tintin Comic

Inas Haninisa

J-Lalite: Journal of English Studies

This research is aimed to analyze the types of onomatopoeia, techniques of translation as well as the acceptability aspect of the translated onomatopoeia in The Adventure of Tintin comic in order to compare how English and Indonesian in naming the sound of something and know how translation techniques can affect the quality of translation products. This research used descriptive qualitative method and total sampling. This research primarily applied the theory of onomatopoeia especially the types of onomatopoeia from Thomas and Clara (2004:4), Molina and Albir’s (2002: 509) theory of translation techniques and Translation Quality Assessment (TQA) proposed by Nababan (2012: 44) which focused on acceptability aspect. The result shows that there are 121 data found in 21 comic series of Tintin. There are four types of onomatopoeia which are call of animals (19%), sound made by humans (17.3%), sound of nature (8.3%) and miscellaneous sound (55.4%). Meanwhile, techniques that are used by t...

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A Tale of Two Cities in Arabic Translation

Fatima Muhaidat


This study investigates the problems translators encounter when rendering features of Dickens's style in A Tale of Two Cities into Arabic. Examples of these features are singled out and analyzed. Then, they are compared with their counterparts in published translations of the novel in Arabic. Analysis and comparisons are focused on Muneer Al-Ba'albaki's translation as it is the only one that renders the novel completely. The comparisons depend on back translation to give non-readers of Arabic a clear idea about the similarities and differences between the source text and target one(s). The features under focus are sound effects, figurative language, humor, repetition and the French element. The discussion dedicated to sound effects like onomatopoeia, alliteration and rhyme shows that there is no one to one correspondence between English and Arabic in reflecting these linguistic phenomena. What might be expressed onomatopoeically in English may not have a counterpart that reflects similar sound effects in Arabic. This makes translators resort to techniques like rewording or paraphrasing onomatopoeic expressions to convey their propositional content at the expense of a distinctive feature of them, their sound effects. A translator may also add information or images to compensate for not reflecting sound effects in the source text. Problems also arise when rendering figurative language into Arabic. Various images in the novel are substituted by different ones that convey similar meanings in Arabic. Some of them are deleted or reduced to their propositional content. In addition, footnotes are used to convey cultural aspects.

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Translation of Onomatopoeia: Somewhere between Equivalence and Function (2025)


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